Tuesday, May 09, 2006


We had another disappointment in the Great Real Estate Disaster again yesterday. It was pointed out to us that our house listing on the MLS failed to include the fact that the house sits on over an acre of land - the only reason that people in that area look for a house outside Lexington. So anyone (including any real estate agent) doing a search for possible properties in our area using that as one of their main criteria, wouldn't end up with our house on their list of 'potentials' at all.

No wonder no one is looking at it.

There have been mistakes like that made throughout this frustrating last six months. And we've tried to let our agents know that we are unhappy with their lack of attention to detail. But this last mistake loosed a tirade from both of us about outright incompetence, and I'm afraid we, well, hurled one at them. Directly. A Nastygram, for sure.

Well, not a profanity sort of thing, but certainly angry. We told them right off. (Well, Mark wrote it, bless his heart...)

And now I'm wondering if that was the right thing to do. Do people get the message if the tone is inflammatory? Or do they just dismiss the author as a crackpot off his meds? Did we give them an excuse to ignore their own culpability? This morning we got yet another "I know you're frustrated but..." note back from them. No matter what their mistake - and there have been some doozies - they always insist that it doesn't really make any difference, because the market is so slow.

(All the more reason to 'execute' perfectly, in our opinion. But apparently they don't see it that way.)

I guess that it was clear that they DIDN'T get the message with all my other 'moderate' missives, so the nastygram was probably justified but, since it didn't seem to achieve anything either, I still wonder...

I think it comes down to the question of whether it made us feel better. And I think it did!


At 7:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cathy and I are pretty good at the good cop bad cop deal. What she didn't mention is that I had 2 what I would call moderate and righteously justified nasty grams ready to go. These 2 realtors are beyond botton feeders, they are incompetent scumbags. I figure that the male idiot has not succeeded in anything he has tried and the female partner is his suffering sister in law that is watching her good reputation being drug down to his, well bottom feeder, level. These people would not last in corporate America that is for sure and what is left for them managing an apartment complex or used car salesman or what? I guess I have been known to be pretty nasty and just ice cold on occassion but I usually reserve that for those who deserve it and these Kentucky yahoos certainly do


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