Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Frik and Maddie

We are getting ready for a little trip to South Dakota - a quick run there and back. Or as quick as you can actually manage from here, which isn't all that quick. Anyway, 'us getting ready to go away' always means some preventive medication for our asthmatic cat, Frik. So I hauled him off to the vet yesterday for a steroid injection, or whatever it is one does for asthmatic cats.

And when we got home, Maddie went completely berserk at him. Acted like she didn't know him at all. Growled at him. Hissed at him. Charged him as if in battle.

He was stunned. So were we. That Frik is OUR cat and Maddie is Frik's cat has been pretty well established in the two years we've had her. She is devoted to him and has been known to howl after him if he leaves her presence. When she is frightened, she runs to him for protection, not us.

There were other cats in the vet's office. And people who handled Frik and took his temperature (and you know what THAT entails) and did other manner of things that might have made him smell different than he usually does. But even at that, her reaction was extreme.

And tonight, over 24 hours later, she's still miffed.

Who knew she even had that long an attention span?

Doesn't make us feel very comfortable about leaving them!


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