Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Home again - update

The waters have receded a bit and one of the bridges is open so we were able to get home this afternoon. The valley is full of water all the way across and the other bridge looks like it is in the middle of a lake. There is a picture on the news of a 2-story house floating down the river, having come loose from its foundation. Another picture is of 5 cows and a llama standing on a small hill, surrounded by water as far as they can see. It wasn’t just us distressed by the flood. And while we certainly weren’t in any danger of property damage, since we live way up the hill from the valley floor, it is still very, very good to get home.

When we tried to get in yesterday, we encountered a roadblock and a rude sheriff whose only suggestion was to 'get a hotel room for a couple of days.' Not very helpful. But we did just that, thanks to the help of AAA (and no thanks to my cell phone which kept dropping my calls to them.) We spent a restless night in a hotel in downtown Bellevue after finding out that there were no vacant hotel rooms within a fair number of miles of us. The night was orchestrated by a Big Foot Monster in the room above us (acting as the entire percussion section) and with traffic noise from the interstate providing the background chorus.

Mark went off to work this morning. And after spending most of the day in the hotel lobby on their internet service reading traffic reports (and waiting in vain for the maids to finish with the room so I could read in peace) I got another call from our helpful neighbor reporting that, Hooray, the bridge was open. We dashed home before it closed again.

And sure enough, Maddie is still hissing and growling at Frik.

She’s going to the vet tomorrow for tranquilizers or something. Completely unhinged, she is.

And I might need some myself.


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