Tuesday, September 25, 2007


We've added a new species to our backyard menagerie. The competition for peanuts and other 'critter food' is becoming intense. Demand is ever higher. Frik and Maddie have their noses pressed to window from the inside most of the time - and the squirrels have theirs pressed to the outside of the window looking for more handouts. The jays hover on the roof and surrounding trees and are never more than 2 seconds away from swooping down on the latest treat when it appears. There are peanut shells and bird poop everywhere.

And into this mess, a newcomer. Yes, a rat.

I should have known better, you'd say. And you'd be right. Now I have to clean up the deck and remove the pan with the critter food in it and send all my 'friends' off into the world to fend for themselves.

A rat. Good grief.


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