Thursday, January 24, 2008

Early signs of Spring again

In addition to the Jays and squirrels I am feeding all the time, a new flock of birds has appeared in my back yard. I think they are lovely, but since I don't actually have any interest in Ornithology, I don't know what they are. Still, I am always encouraged by early signs of Spring. (Or maybe this isn't one of those... who knows?)

My daffodils are starting to poke their heads up again, and even though I now know they won't bloom until March, I am looking out from my window every day, counting them and measuring their progress. And although there has been a pool of ice behind the house for a week, there is something blooming profusely in the road medians that just shouts "Spring is coming" in our recent sunshine. (I want to say it's heather, but am not sure of that either! Good grief! I have some 'nature' studying to do!!)

Anyway, with the death earlier this week of my son's father, we are glad to have the promise of spring in our lives just now. It is so hard to see your children go through difficult times - and the death of a parent is one of the most difficult, particularly when so unexpected and untimely. You don't know what to say or how to help, but being a parent yourself (even if he is an adult too) you can't help but feel like you should be able to make things OK.

But I can't. So I look for signs of Spring instead.


At 11:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was bored and playing with my computer and chanced to look up my name. I came across your blog site and we must be somehow related from many generations back. I have some old family materials and might be able to locate them. Please write me if you are interested.
Thank You, John Dissinger


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