Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Ad Slogans

Something got me going on ad slogans again - you know the little ditties that are supposed to stick in your mind while so completely representing the product that you will always remember it? I think the only ones you really remember are the duds, but maybe that's just me. It was, in fact, a dud that got me off on this track.

So... doing a little research here, I find that some of the award winning ones that I'd agree are successful are -

Citgo: There at every turn

ATT: Reach out and touch someone

Jaguar: Grace... Space... Pace

Lay's: Betcha can't eat just one

Visa: It's everywhere you want to be

Some that actually have a place in society, even though they aren't very good as actual advertising:

Brylcreem: "A little dab'll do ya"
(I think they made a bad decision on this one - wouldn't they want you to use a LOT of their product? Like the toothpaste ads that kept piling it on until in recent years you were given to understand that you really needed a double layer on your brush?)

Charmin: "Please don't squeeze the Charmin"
(Really? Just how does this advertise the product?)

Courage Tavern Ale: "It's what our right arm's for"
(OK - not sure I even want to go there...)

New York: "I love New York"
(Particularly when expressed as "I heart NY" - which took me a long time to figure out - this really doesn't say anything!)

Burger King: "Have it your way"
(I always like the direct slam on the 'competition' ads; don't they realize it is an open invitation for retaliation? 'You'll get yours, Burger King!")

Anyway, here's what got me going on all this nonsense:

  • Flomax: "Who doesn't want to spend less time in the bathroom?"

I'll grant you - it's Simple. Cuts right to the heart of the matter, yes. But maybe not really at the level of creativity we expect. Bet they paid a lot of money for that ad though.


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