From one extreme to the other
After an interminable winter we now have summer. No spring. Just summer. Next week we are expecting to go back to winter. In the mean time, our river is flooding from the sudden snow-melt and we are wondering if we will be stranded at home for a while until the waters recede. (A year and a half ago the river flooded so badly we couldn't get home - all access to our town was cut off!)
Why can't we have a happy medium?
Why can't I stop talking about the #%**!#^# weather?
Here in Tucson we are entering our driest and hottest time of the year. We would LOVE some of that flood water. Not too much, mind you. We wouldn't want a repeat of the flood of '83 when all but one of the bridges over the usually bone dry Rillito River were closed and several area bridges over the Rillito and the Santa Cruz washed out. But we sure could use a little! Too bad it doesn't work that way!
It was 110 here today. Give me a nice swollen river and some cool temperatures any say of the week.
I guess the grass is always greener...
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