Monday, June 16, 2008


I lead a quiet life. Nothing spectacular or showy or attention-grabbing. I don't especially like to be noticed. I wear beige. I know I'm important to the people I want to be important to. The rest of the world can go on without my headlines.

No red hats for me.

So today, a Monday in every sense of the word, is excruciating - there are 'workers' outside my second-story office window, on ladders; and mostly what they seem to be doing is looking in my window. And I'm not doing anything. (I have one of those part-time, whenever, jobs that some days means I just have to be here when no one else is. And today is one of those days.)

What ARE they doing?

Supposedly, they are replacing the siding on the building. But, actually, they're just hanging out. I wish they'd pick someone else's window to hang out in front of, and look in.

Should I get up and close the blinds? Leave my office and try to work in another room? Make faces at them? Hold up a sign that says "Get back to work?" (if so, would I know how to translate that into Spanish, which, judging by their conversation, would surely be necessary?) I could throw office supplies at them, but that's really the only 'offense' I could deploy.

Ack!!! Maybe they are hoping that if they look in office windows they will get 'flashed!' Boy are they in for a disappointment - either way that goes.

They are talking - yelling - at each other. (At least they aren't laughing and pointing. I can be thankful for that.) How much discussion should be required to tear siding off a building? And why would you perch on ladders outside an office window to debate those issues, whatever they are? And, really, with all this window exposure, how much actual siding is there to tear off anyway?

Surely they'll leave soon.

But no, they've been there for a long time. Intruding in my space. Making me feel like a spectacle. I'm mortified.

It's going to be a long day at the office.


At 12:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 3:21 PM, Blogger Ryan Stouffer said...

Para regresar a trabajar!

At 3:22 PM, Blogger Cathy said...

Thank you, Ryan! I'm going to make up my sign for tomorrow!


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