Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

We are anxiously waiting for Todd to get here, driving up from Portland - to the Thanksgiving Feast. The turkey is in the oven, the rolls, stuffing, 'orange stuff', cheesecake and pecan pie are done, the house is clean, the lights on... and we are waiting. (I didn't make pumpkin pies this year, having so overdone things last year! Two desserts is enough for 3 people.)

To pass the time, I'm watching the Macy's Parade; but I'm honestly not able to get too excited about yet another appearance by Miley Cyrus (although I did enjoy the medley by the Broadway cast of White Christmas and the performance of "Nothing Like a Dame" by the South Pacific folks. The Macy's parade isn't so much a parade as it is an advertisement for the network TV shows and Broadway.) Mark, on the other hand, decided it was a perfect time to go outside and clean out the gutters. What can I say?

And so goes another Thanksgiving. I love the holiday. It's all about the company and the food - what could be better?

Hope you have a great beginning to the Holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving!


At 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes it was a happy thanksgiving and so very odd that it fell on a thursday again this year

At 7:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark's comment made me laugh because on Mother's Day this year (sorry Ryan) Ryan said he couldn't make it down because he didn't know it was on Sunday. I thought that should have been a pattern he noticed in the last 27 years...


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