What's a Legislator To Do?
It's sad. State budgets are under huge deficits. Gone, temporarily at least, are the days when a fella could make a bundle - and get his name in the paper and everything - by proposing some expensive piece of legislation or other. (How many buildings and programs are named after Robert C. Byrd?) Yes, legislation was the ticket - spend tax money, build buildings, start programs, go green - or just 'investigate' something by sending friends on overseas vacations (a Nancy Pelosi specialty) or shopping trips. Good times.
So what's a legislator to do now? What happens when the only option is to cut, not spend?
In Washington our representatives are hard at work mandating the people to spend 4 hours a year of their employer's work time going to school conferences or events. They are also meeting and drafting drafts and discussing the write-up of requirements for break times for hospital workers. And in California - God bless California - they are voting to make the first week in March 'cuss-free.'
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