That embarrassing kitchen junk drawer
I’ve been unpacking, of course. And came across a box that was, evidently, the contents of my several kitchen junk drawers. These are the sorts of drawers that you hope no one ever looks in, but are certainly the sort that no one should ever just pack up ‘in tact’ and move across the country. But that’s what happened.
I keep cookie cutters and extra pens and seldom-used aprons and such in my kitchen junk drawers mostly. And maybe a few office supplies that are nice to have at hand, and the odd bunch of small and otherwise homeless ‘parts’ that one collects – buttons, screwdrivers, paper clips, slips of paper with the phone number of the garden mulch place… I have old business cards, refrigerator magnets, the freebies from long-ago Tupperware parties. You get the idea.
But back to the box. There was a ‘mystery’ thing right on top that made me think I might be going a little too far in my collecting-things habit. A quart-size zip lock baggie was there, stuffed full of something black and soft looking. I was honestly afraid to look too close, since things have been in storage for months, but I really think it is cat hair. Frik’s cat hair, to be precise.
I can only now imagine that I must have had a fit of exasperation while brushing Frik at some point, wondering if there was a limit to how much hair he could lose and not be bald. Something must have made me decide I should collect, say, a week’s worth just to see how much that would be. Maybe there was something more ‘scientific’ to my thinking, but I sort of doubt it. I’ve always joked that we could manufacture another Frik pretty easily on his ‘sheddings’ but was I serious about trying at some point?
Now that just leaves me wondering. Three questions come to mind actually:
- How much hair COULD Frik lose without being bald?
- What could the ‘packers’ from the moving company have thought?
- What was I thinking?