Friday, June 20, 2008

Gloom and doom

Just some thoughts on a lazy Friday afternoon...

Doesn't it seem like the news is full of downright gloomy stuff just now? If 'consumer sentiment' is what is keeping this economy afloat, 'they' (whoever they are) aren't doing a very good job of boosting our sentiments, are they? There are a few 'up' sides in the news, however, depending on who 'you' are:

  • Retail businesses have been working hard at trying to latch on to our 'economic stimulus' checks with all kinds of offers and deals. Too late for them though, because the oil companies managed to pocket 100% of that 'gift' from Uncle Sam back-to-the-taxpayers before anyone else even had a chance at it. A direct transfer into their coffers would have been easier. But you have to agree - it was quite a 'stimulus' for Big Oil! Why don't I feel a boost of confidence in the economy?
  • There is still some effort out there to save the consumer: Several organizations have actually spent time and money to 'research' the possibility that those 'Kinoki Foot Pads' offered in Infomercials might work. (You know the ones - pads to put on your feet overnight to pull the 'toxins' out of your body.) And even more amazingly, any number of people have written in to thank those researchers for saving them from buying them - they were wondering if they really work...
  • And, with prices going up, it's nice to know that it IS possible to cut down on costs - for example, to design a wedding gown out of toilet paper - presumably built to reuse, recycle and repurpose.

Always looking for good news!


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