These trying times
I don't know about you, but I'm not really feeling 'economically stimulated' here. My tax-rebate check hasn't arrived. The government-provided schedule stated that it would be mailed no later than the 20th of June and here it is, the 26th already, and I have no check. What sort of economic stimulation am I supposed to have without any economic 'input?' I can't do any 'output' without 'input' here!
Naturally I called to enquire. An automated system informed me that my check would actually not be mailed until July 4th. Never mind that nothing, in fact, will be mailed July 4th, it being a federal holiday - and you'd think the IRS would know that. No explanation about why the website says one thing and the 'recording' says another. No assistance offered. In fact, the recording told me in no uncertain terms that I would not be able to call again to enquire until after August 1 if I still don't get it after it won't be mailed on the 4th. If that makes sense.
It's a good thing I wasn't counting on this. I already transfered more than this measly $1200 to my local gas station anyway. I was just hoping to pad the family coffers a bit more. But all this anxious peering into mailboxes this week has soured me on the whole thing. Too little, too late. Not really much of a boost to my confidence in the whole economy. Imagine them making 'the check is in the mail' even more of a joke.
Nope. Not stimulated at all.
Downright discouraged, in fact.
We finally got ours. But take heart, If Obama is elected, he will bring "change"...Just like Jimmy Carter did.
He will inherit a bad situation and have to deal with the aftermath of a terribly corrupt administration, just like Jimmy Carter did. McCain would as well. I don't see the next president, whoever it may be, making very many people happy. Once again, we are having a crisis with fuel, we are in a period of stagflation and our position in the world is terribly compromised. I like Obama and would be OK with McCain as well but I don't think either man can undo the damage of the last eight years.
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