This was actually one of my first topics when I started blogging but I revisit it here, basically because I had a hearty laugh yesterday. That’s a good enough reason.
Blogger – the service that publishes this blog – has an ‘intro’ page that, among other features, includes a link to the Blog-of-the-Day. They’ve selected a particular blog because its content, or format, or theme is interesting, or fun, or noteworthy etc. in some way. Or maybe it is even more random than that – I don’t really know. In any case, these ‘featured’ blogs have been amazingly diverse – from a guy who posted pictures of trains and wrote about how he captured just the right shot, to a Stanford grad student who posted a sentence from her dissertation writing every day, to a guy posting video of himself dancing a dance-a-day in his apartment, to a woman writing about her experiences as she left the urban jungle behind to run a farm in Missouri. Great fun.
Yesterday’s link was to an artist’s blog. Very popular site, evidently, because with each cartoon or drawing posted, there were a couple dozen comments from ‘fans.’ He was very good, and the comments mostly reflected appreciation for his talent and were either posted anonymously or by other bloggers.
So I was reading the 32 comments on one posting – things like ‘great drawing’ and ‘you are so good at this’ and ‘I love this drawing’ and on and on – until I came to comment #29, posted by ‘Anonymous’ which simply read “I have a 12” penis.”
Now I’m not sure how anyone managed to add comment numbers 30, 31, and 32 after that, but whoever did certainly has great powers of concentration. I suppose it’s possible that Anonymous was trying to make Social Commentary on the string of accolades being laid at the artist’s door, so-to-speak. A warning against self-importance feelings, perhaps. But I rather suspect that he was just interjecting the only comment that made any difference to him personally. “Just thought you’d want to know” sort of thing. Keeping up his end of the conversation, sort of thing. Off the subject a bit, but just the ticket for him personally, sort of thing.
Here’s another one. Curiosity, that is. I do a Google search, every once in a while, for my blog title, just to make sure I’m not creating a problem for myself with my ramblings. Remember the posting about “Jane” that I had a while back? The last paragraph (since deleted, by the way) reported that she had declared herself to be gay. That paragraph, in which I used the ‘L’ word, landed my blog site on a listing of ‘L’ webpage references – not really where I want “Cathy without a plan” to be, since that’s not particularly representative of my typical commentary. Who knew? I deleted it to see if the reference will change, or if not, how many people might have to wander off scratching their heads after reading it.
What was that all about, sort of thing.